Our Home and Community Based Services department provides individualized respite, habilitation, and attendant care services to our members living at home.
Respite Services provide short-term temporary care to give parents and families time to run errands, spend time with other children in the household, or to simply take an evening off. Respite services can take place in the individual’s home or out in the community.
*Respite Services can also be used for Camp Civitan, the Respite Ranch, and After-Hours Recreation Programs at Civitan Village.*
Habilitation Services are designed to work on individual goals specific to each member including communication, self-help, social skills, and adaptive behaviors, to name a few. Habilitation goals are always individualized and are designed to assist the individual become more independent in all aspects of daily life.
Attendant Care Services are utilized to provide direct physical assistance to individuals who are unable to perform common day-to-day tasks themselves. These can include maintaining personal hygiene, assisting in dressing, meal preparation, eating, and toileting.
We are part of your family and will be there to help and grow with your needs.
In addition to the above listed services, Civitan is dedicated to assisting families advocate and fight for optimal care and a better life for all concerned. We are members of the Arizona Association of Providers for People with Disabilities (AAPPD), and work with the legislature and other agencies to help protect the rights of, and improve services available to, people with developmental disabilities. Civitan staff attends the quarterly and yearly ISP meetings of all of our clients to ensure your loved one is receiving the best possible care.
For inquiries about Home and Community Based Services, please contact:
602-953-2944, ext. 105,